Finde Tourdaten und Livemusik-Veranstaltungen für deine Lieblingsbands und -künstler in deiner Stadt. Hol dir mit Bandsintown Konzertkarten, erfahre Neuigkeiten und gib RSVPs zu Konzerten ab. Cigarettes After Sex Verifiziert Never miss another Cigarettes After Sex concert. Get alerts about tour announcements, concert tickets, and shows near you with a free Bandsintown account. Keine demnächst stattfindenden Shows in deiner Stadt. Schicke eine Anfrage an Cigarettes After Sex, in deiner Stadt aufzutreten. Kintex Exhibition 2. Asia World-Expo, Hall 5. Sunway Lagoon. MOA Arena. Beach City International. Impact Exhibiton Hall. Merch ad. Live-Fotos von Cigarettes After Sex. This is my first time ever to leave a review for one of the many Cigarettes After Sex Tour Deutschland I attended so far, Cigarettes After Sex Tour Deutschland this one was so special I had to and this band really deserves it more than anyone. I have been listening to their music for years now their songs carried me through many bleak days and I was worried the live performance would not live up to my fantastic expectations but in the end it was beyond gut-wrenchingly beautiful in the best way. The live versions were true to, if not better, than the records as you could see their passion while performing which added to it. I am in love with the fan base as well - only considerate people and no terrible rough housing I know I sound like a grandmother - I am in fact only 24 lol but still. The lights, the colours, the atmosphere, etc. It was magical to have that experience. I felt so at peace during those 1h Omg it was my first ever concert in my entire life and I LOVED it. It was a FANTASTIC night with my friends. The song the show everything. If I could I would go back again. The concert was amazing and really special. The music and atmosphere made the whole night feel magical, especially hearing songs like Apocalypse live. Amazing concert itself, but this app said the concert started at 7 PM. So we get there atthen my actual ticket said Which no big deal, we can wait that. Then other people were saying their ticket said 8, which is an insane wait. That is a long wait, and nobody should have to wait that long. Especially after paying so much. They did an amazing job, and did a beautiful performance. I just wish the time punctuality was better. They were amazing to see in person and the crowd was equally amazing. In some songs we all had out flashes on and it really looked like stars in a night sky, it was very pretty to see and be a part of. Overall it was a a pretty good show and they finished strong with some cool low tech light show stuff. I'm giving three stars for a few reasons. The start time was scheduled for
Bundesverkehrsministerium - Kosten für Verlängerung der A14 steigen auf mehr als zwei Milliarden Euro. This is my first time ever to leave a review for one of the many concerts I attended so far, but this one was so special I had to and this band really deserves it more than anyone. Fotos The program literally said:. Die US-Band Cigarettes after Sex ist ein Phänomen: Während der Corona-Pandemie hat sie die Anzahl ihrer Fans quasi verdreifacht.
Termine & Konzerte
November · Basel, Switzerland · St. Jakobshalle ; CAS. Oktober · Amsterdam. Finde Cigarettes After Sex Tickets in Deutschland | Videos, Biographie, Tourdaten, VIP Pakete u.v.m. Bochum. Bevor die dunkle Schwere. Genau richtig. Deutsche Oper Berlin; Huxleys Neue Welt; Berliner Dom; Konzerthaus Berlin; Uber Eats Music Hall; Schaubühne; Wintergarten Berlin; All venues in Berlin. November · Köln, Germany · Lanxess Arena ; Johanna. Freundinnen machen Selfies, Paare legen ihre Köpfe aneinander. Keine 90 Minuten dauert das Konzert.Loved the smokey atmosphere and theme with the lights etc.. Oktober Salt Lake City, UT — Delta Center 5. Mo 24 Mär Teatro Maria Matos Lisbon, Portugal. Ohne Anleitung oder Animation schwenkt bald die ganze Halle Handylichter im Takt durch die Luft. They did an amazing job, and did a beautiful performance. Donnerstag, November Madrid, Spanien — WiZink Center If I could I would go back again. Oktober Amsterdam, Niederlande — Ziggo Dome The music and atmosphere made the whole night feel magical, especially hearing songs like Apocalypse live. SKIP OVER TO THE NEXT DAY and a friend came up to us and said that the concert was great but they did not see us there, and we later found out that they had overbooked tickets and the place was packed so all our money went to waste. The start time was scheduled for Manchmal läuft nur ein Leuchtdiodenband als einzige Beleuchtung um den Bühnenrand, ansonsten ist es finster. Omg it was my first ever concert in my entire life and I LOVED it. Folge uns. Sport Samstag, Newsletter Tickets Teams Newsletter. Da schmilzt man dahin, das Herz bricht November Lissabon, Portugal — Altice Arena Fotos von der Tour. I'm kind of lacking a way to describe how excellent this gig was. Sobald es Tickets oder neue Informationen zu dem von Ihnen ausgewählten Künstler oder Konzert gibt, erfahren Sie es zuerst! September Philadelphia, PA — Wells Fargo Center 4. Mi 12 Mär Eulogy Asheville, NC, US. Das Saallicht geht aus und es wabern erst mal gefühlt Liter Trockenneisnebel über die Bühne der Berliner Uber Arena, so als würde gleich ein Geist erscheinen. Oktober Phoenix, AZ — Desert Diamond Arena Di 08 Apr The Lexington London, UK. I am in love with the fan base as well - only considerate people and no terrible rough housing I know I sound like a grandmother - I am in fact only 24 lol but still. Cigarettes After Sex Verifiziert Keine 90 Minuten dauert das Konzert. Das machen stattdessen die Fans. Event Alarm Virtueller Saalplan. That is a long wait, and nobody should have to wait that long. Live-Bewertungen I really like Cigarettes After Sex and the concert was sadly, too short.