Contact Imprint Data Privacy Accessibility Easy language Intranet EN. Cao-Lei L, van den Heuvel MI, Huse K, Platzer M, Elgbeili G, Braeken MAKA, Otte RA, Witte OW, Schwab M, Van den Bergh BRH Cells10 9 Increased longevity due to sexual activity in mole-rats is associated with transcriptional changes in HPA stress axis. Irizar PA, Schäuble S, Esser D, Groth M, Frahm C, Priebe S, Baumgart M, Hartmann N, Marthandan S, Menzel U, Müller J, Schmidt S, Ast V, Caliebe A, König R, Krawczak M, Ristow M, Schuster S, Cellerino A, Diekmann S, Englert C, Hemmerich P, Sühnel J, Guthke R, Witte OW, Platzer M, Ruppin E, Kaleta C Nat Commun10 1Analysis of the coding sequences of clownfish reveals molecular convergence in the evolution of lifespan. Awazie OB DissertationJena, Germany Naked mole-rat transcriptome signatures of socially suppressed sexual maturation and links of reproduction to aging. Olecka M, Huse K, Platzer M Geroscience40 Nackt Zoophilie Shemale Beast Fish BlowjobExploring the basis of naked mole-rat healthspan by characterization of its transsulfuration pathway and hydroxymethylome. Olecka MK DissertationJena, Germany. Contact Imprint Data Privacy Accessibility Easy language Intranet.
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Literaturverzeichnis in: Aspekte des Menschseins im Alten Mesopotamien Naked mole-rat transcriptome signatures of socially suppressed sexual maturation and links of reproduction to aging. Bens* M, Szafranski* K, Holtze S, Sahm A. Angaben, insbesondere zu diagnostischen und therapeutischen Verfahren, immer. Die Medizin unterliegt einem fortwährenden Entwicklungsprozess, sodass alle. Fédération Française d'AthlétismeSCI REP 7 , Currie SE , Boonman A, Troxell S , Yovel Y, Voigt CC : Echolocation at high intensity imposes metabolic costs on flying bats. Nguyen AT, Tilker A , Le Khac Q, Le M : New records of the Annamite striped rabbit in Ngoc Linh, Quang Nam and Kon Tum provinces, Vietnam. CONSERV GENET 20 , 66— Zhang X, Li Y, Terranova M, Ortmann S , Kreuzer M, Hummel J, Clauss M : Individual differences in digesta retention and their relation to chewing in cattle — a pilot investigation. Kelling M , Currie SE , Troxell SA , Reusch C , Roeleke M, Hoffmeister U, Teige T, Voigt CC : Effects of tag mass on the physiology and behaviour of common noctule bats.
Universität Konstanz Suche
Naked mole-rat transcriptome signatures of socially suppressed sexual maturation and links of reproduction to aging. For those who wish to know more of Svalbard, there are short articles on, for example, Svalbard's history, public administration and services, information for. Angaben, insbesondere zu diagnostischen und therapeutischen Verfahren, immer. Die Medizin unterliegt einem fortwährenden Entwicklungsprozess, sodass alle. Bens* M, Szafranski* K, Holtze S, Sahm A. Autorinnen und Autoren, die zum Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung mit dem Leibniz-IZW affiliiert waren, sind fett und mit der jeweiligen Farbe ihrer Abteilung.Heraklion, Greece. Hagen R , Kühl N, Hanewinkel M, Suchant R : Number and height of unbrowsed saplings are more appropriate than the proportion of browsed saplings for predicting silvicultural regeneration success. DIVERSITY-BASEL 14 , Interne Suche nutzen eingeschränkte Ergebnisqualität. Zhang C, Tong C, Ludwig A , Tang Y, Liu S, Zhang R, Feng C, Li G, Peng Z, Zhao K : Adaptive evolution of the eda gene and scales loss in schizothoracine fishes in response to uplift of the Tibetan Plateau. Sitzung des DGfZ-Ausschusses für genetischstatistische Methoden in der Tierzucht, Celle. J ZOO AQUAR RES 7 , 15— SCI DATA 9 , Reza Sharifi Studium Promotion in den Fachgebieten Tierzucht und Genetik an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Dr. Books of abstracts No J PROTEOME RES 22, 26— Book of abstracts: Hagen KB, Müller DWH, Ortmann S , Kreuzer M, Clauss M : Digesta kinetics in two arvicoline rodents, the field vole Microtus agrestis and the steppe lemming Lagurus lagurus. REPROD DOMEST ANIM 58 , 73— MEAT SCI. Dheer A , Davidian E , Courtiol A , Bailey LD , Wauters J , Naman P, Shayo V, Höner OP : Diurnal pastoralism does not reduce juvenile recruitment nor elevate allostatic load in spotted hyenas. J DAIRY SCI. DEV DYN. Zurück Startseite Feuerwerk Shop Silvester Feuerwerk kaufen. ISBN Suche starten. Hagen R , Ortmann S , Elliger A, Arnold J : Advanced roe deer Capreolus capreolus parturition date in response to climate change. J ANIM FEED SCI 31 , 34— Hosseini, S. SCI REP 9, Conclusions: Real-world networks combine diverse human interactions and attributes along with consequences on health opinions and behaviors. Social Media Overview. R SOC OPEN SCI 7 , Bruckermann T, Greving H, Schumann A , Stillfried M , Börner K , Kimmig SE , Hagen R , Brandt M , Harms U : To know about science is to love it? Multilevel regression models were used to predict smoking status. Dairy 1: ARCH NAT HIST 49 , 78— Balard A , Heitlinger E : Shifting focus from resistance to disease tolerance: A review on hybrid house mice. Insel Vilm, Deutschland. Real-world networks combine diverse human interactions and attributes along with consequences on health opinions and behaviors. Investors Investors Latest Key Figures Latest Financial Press Releases and Reports Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Share Information.